VIIN Strategic Plan 2024 - 2028

This is VIIN’s first strategic plan. It will direct our priorities, activities and operations for 2024 to 2028.

The plan clarifies our vision, mission, values and strategic objectives and how we will measure our success in meeting these objectives.  To focus and articulate our priorities, it notes VIIN’s distinguished contribution to the infection and immunity landscape in Victoria and Australia by outlining our unique strengths and capabilities.  It provides a framework for how we will achieve our objectives through our activities, operations, funding model and through the network’s growth.

The plan is concluded with a summary of key projects for 2024 to 2028 that will support achievement of our objectives and an invitation to you, our VIIN members, to provide feedback on this plan. We welcome your constructive feedback on our Strategic Plan by emailing

We thank you for your involvement in VIIN over the many years of its existence and we look forward to having you share in VIIN’s vision and mission in the future.

Read the Strategic Plan here.