Prof P. Mark Hogarth
Burnet Senior Principal Research Fellow
Immune Therapies Group
Burnet Institute
Research Activities
Structure, function, genetic, immunological and whole animal analysis of human antibody effector systems in particular the interaction between antibodies andhuman Fc receptors in inflammation and immunity, resistance to infection, autoimmunity.Analysis of patient samples in blood cancers and in rheumatoid arthritis and lupus and animal models of disease.
Development of monoclonal antibodies in particular therapeutic antibodies and the development of small chemical entities for the treatment of disease.
Analysis of cell surface molecules of leukocytes.
We are currently developing studies in dengue fever and bacterial infection. New programmes include genomic and proteomic analysis of cell membranes for the discovery of new molecules as potential therapeutic targets in infection autoimmunity and cancer and mucosal immunology
mouse adn human monoclonal antibody production and engineering;protein expression including microbial, insect and mammalian expression systems;protein chemistry and X-ray crystallography;
cell membrane analysis;gene manipulation mutagenesis; transfection retroviral gene transfer,
general immunological techniques;human basophil activation
Prof John Cambier ( University of Colorado) - leukocyte signalling adn inflammation.Prof Robyn O'Hehir ( Alfred Hospital ) - Allergy and Immune Therapy
A/Prof Menno van Zelm ( Monash Immunology) Allergy and Immune Deficiency.
Prof Stephen Kent ( UNiversity of Melbourne )- HIV immunity
Dr Amy Chung (Universty of Melbourne) -HIV immunity
Prof Georgina Clark ( University of Sydney) - therapeuic Mabs, blood cancer therapy.
Prof Ross Baker Curtain University ) - Platelet FcR function
A/Prof Elizabeth Gardiner ( ANU) platelet function in disease.
Prof Karlheinz Peters ( Baker IDI ) therapeutic tageting of platelets in cancer and inflammation
Prof JAmes Beeson ( Burnet Institute )- malarial immunity
Prof David Anderson ( Burnet Institute ) - infection diagnostics
Prof Daniel Christ ( University of NSW, Garvan Institute) - antibody structure
Prof Andreas Finzi ( University of Montreal )- HIV Immunity
European biotechs - antibody engineering
Dr Graham Mackay ( University of Melbourne) Allergy andmast cell function;
Dr Hilary Vanderven ( James Cook University ) - influenza and microbial immunity
Dr Charlotte Slade ( WEHI) immune deficiency
Prof Gesteur Vidarsson (Sanquin, Utrecht ) -autoimmunity.
Disease Models
Active and passive models of autoimmunity in particular arthritisAllergy and Asthma
Xenograft models: cancer therapeutics
Human mast cell culture
Other Lab Members
Halina Trist
Sandra Esparon
May Lin Yap
Alicia Chenoweth