Dr Tali Lang

Senior Research Fellow
Medical Oncology at Cabrini Health
Monash University


Research Activities

  1. Medical Oncology - Clinical and Translational research in breast cancer
  2. Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF)  in the regulation of inflammation
  3. Pathogen immunomodulation host immunity - TLR pathways/receptors
  4. Negative regulators of inflammation
  5. Autoimmunity - SLE and Systemic Scleroderma

  • Techniques/Expertise

    1. Macrophage culture and cellular assays
    2. Cell Biology - Various cell based assays including luciferase reporter, MTT, ELISA
    3. Molecular Biology - qPCR, Western blot, co-IP, cloning
    4. In vivo models of infection and inflammation
    5. Histology - Tissue preparation and staining
    6. Confocal Microscopy

  • Collaborations

    A/Prof Ashley Mansell
    Dr Michelle Tate

    Disease Models

    1. E.coli induced epididymitis
    2. LPS induced endotoxemia
    3. KBxN arthritis

  • Genetically Modified Organisms

    Mif -/- mice

    Other Lab Members

    Dr Jim Harris

    Other members with similar research interests

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