Prof Philip Bardin
Monash Lung & Sleep department/Respiratory Research
Monash Medical Centre
Research Activities
Virus-associated airway inflammation with emphasis on rhinovirus and RSV in asthma and COPD. Clinical and lab projects are ongoing. Also, established clinical trials section investigating new treatments. Phil Bardin is Professor of Respiratory Medicine in the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. Since 2008 he has been Director, Lung & Sleep Medicine, Monash University and Medical Centre, Melbourne. He is recognised for investigation of obstructive lung diseases (particularly virus-asthma-COPD exacerbations) and has conducted extensive research of new asthma and COPD therapies. Recently research has also focussed on vocal cord dysfunction in obstructive lung diseases. He is a recipient of ongoing Australian NH&MRC funding, has chaired the Australian NH&MRC Grant Review Panel (Respiratory & Sleep Medicine) and served on the Australian NH&MRC Academy. His professional activities reflect a career-long commitment to research and medical education, particularly in the areas of asthma and COPD. Currently he is Deputy Editor and Editor-in-chief elect of Respirology, official journal of the TSANZ and APSR.Techniques/Expertise
Cell biology/culture, molecular biology, molecular virology.Primary culture epithelial and fibroblast cells, access to 'fresh' lung tissue.
Prof Bryan WilliamsProf David Jans
Prof Brendan Jenkins
Prof Paul Hertzog
Suresh Mahalingam
Jack Elias
A/Prof Paul King
Jane Ward
Stavros Selemidis
Ross Vlahos
Disease Models
Mouse models infection. Mouse models COPD. In vitro primary cells.Other Lab Members
Senior post-docs:, Belinda ThomasSaleela Ruwanpura
Kathy Low
Lydia Cvejic
Joo Koh
Putri Ramadhany
Paul Leong