Dr Catherine Kennedy

Department of Microbiology and Immunology
University of Melbourne


Research Activities

Current: In vivo analysis of immunomodulatory Type III secreted effectors of Citrobacter rodentium.
Previous: In vivo and in vitro functional analysis of clostridial toxins (PhD) and characterization of the role of innate immunity in the development and progression of gastric cancer.


Molecular biology (cloning, basic protein and tissue culture)
Mouse husbandry, handling and experimentation
Culture and analysis of primary cells
Analysis of immune responses (including FACS, ELISA, qPCR)

Disease Models

Murine model of E.coli gastroenteritis (using C. rodentium)
Murine model of clostridial myonecrosis (Balb/c)
Murine model of gastric cancer (gp130F/F knock-in mutation)

Other members with similar research interests

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